A non exhaustive list of UI elements that you can use when building your project with Friendkit. More will be added as new theme updates are released. Friendkit being a Bulma.io based theme, you can use components directly from Bulma. You can read the documentation if you're not familiar with it.
Buttons can have different colors. Available classes are primary-button, accent-button, green-button, blue-button, red-button, grey-button, dark-grey-button.
Switches can have different colors. Available classes are
is-primary, is-accent, is-blue,
Animated Switch
A playful looking animated switch
Radio Buttons
Material style radio buttons with colored drop shadows. Available classes are
is-primary, is-accent, is-blue, is-green,
is-red, is-orange.
Round Checkboxes
Round checkboxes can have different colors and are available in 2 sizes. Available classes are
is-primary, is-green, is-blue, is-green,
is-red, is-orange.
Basic Checkboxes
Basic checkboxes can have different colors and are available in 2 sizes. Available classes are
is-accent, is-green, is-blue, is-green,
is-red, is-orange.
Default Inputs
Friendkit comes with default input to answer most use cases.
Icon Inputs
You can add icons to input groups.
Validation Inputs
Input wrappers have modifiers that you can use for frontend validation.
Friendkit basic dropdown menu that can be styled to fit your needs. You can use the is-accent class to modify the dropdown menu items color on hover.
A modal that can be used to share posts and content on someone's feed. Html code for that modal can be found in: html/partials/pages/feed/modals/share-modal.html.
A modal that can be used to explain a feature to a user:
html/partials/pages/feed/modals/albums-help-modal.html and html/partials/pages/feed/modals/videos-help-modal.html.
Use the the Fancybox 3 plugin to create a beautiful lightbox with a customized layout. Read the plugin documentation for more examples and more info about usage. The license provided with Friendkit allows you to use it in one of your projects.
Use the the Fancybox 3 plugin to create a nice confirm / alert box. Read the plugin documentation for more examples and more info about usage. The license provided with Friendkit allows you to use it in one of your projects.
Use the the Fancybox 3 plugin to create a reusable morphing modal button. Read the plugin documentation for more examples and more info about usage. The license provided with Friendkit allows you to use it in one of your projects.
Use the the Fancybox 3 plugin to create a product quickview. Read the plugin documentation for more examples and more info about usage. The license provided with Friendkit allows you to use it in one of your projects.
A Ready to use Free and Open Source SVG Icons Pack JavaScript Library.Read the plugin documentation for more examples and
more info about usage.
Some Fancy Dress
There should be a price tag and a brief description of the product.
Also, a form where customers could, for example, choose product size, color and quantity.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque auctor nibh eu nibh scelerisque malesuada.
Morbi mollis
eleifend turpis. Mauris consequat convallis volutpat. Integer quis erat vehicula, molestie
nulla vel, sagittis odio. Quisque hendrerit eleifend magna, sit amet dictum odio condimentum
a. Proin et ipsum venenatis, elementum sem convallis, pellentesque elit. Mauris congue
velit porttitor dui condimentum porttitor. Aenean pretium suscipit ante in imperdiet.
Nam vitae suscipit metus, eget volutpat quam. Ut et sem nunc. Vivamus erat leo, auctor in neque non, malesuada
neque. Ut ac purus est. Quisque molestie pharetra sem sit amet ornare. Nam eu felis in
nisl lacinia iaculis. Pellentesque ut lobortis lacus. Etiam ut eros non dui ultrices
Ut pulvinar sem gravida porta ullamcorper. Pellentesque laoreet tellus eu egestas tempor. Ut nec lobortis nulla.
Aenean tincidunt
eu eros eget tincidunt. Vivamus ac lacinia mi, ut varius justo. Praesent eu ante vel
velit iaculis aliquam sit amet vestibulum purus. Fusce molestie enim eros. Pellentesque
justo sem, pharetra vel ligula non, euismod elementum tortor. Morbi dui ligula, rhoncus
nec dignissim a, malesuada feugiat massa.
Cras non lobortis mauris. Maecenas id placerat est, ac lobortis nisi. Aenean dapibus arcu commodo magna
tristique, et facilisis
diam aliquam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. Fusce a vestibulum erat, nec ornare libero. Proin aliquam, neque vel mattis
euismod, tortor lacus tempus turpis, ac vulputate augue nisl eget sem. Integer in porttitor
New album
Add pictures/videos
Change the date
Set a date for your album. You can always change it later.
Tag friends in this album
Tag friends in this album. Tagged friends can see photos they are tagged in.
Allow friends to add photos
Tagged friends will be able to share content inside this album.
Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet is a dummy text used by the typography industry and the web industry.
Upload your photos
Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet is a dummy text used by the typography industry and the web industry.
Add Photos
Share live videos
Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet is a dummy text used by the typography industry and the web industry.
To build your audience
Lorem ipsum sit dolor amet is a dummy text used by the typography industry and the web industry.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Frater et T. Duo Reges: constructio interrete. Summae mihi
videtur inscitiae. Esse enim, nisi eris, non potes.